Verse of the day from the SNB Company

Verse of the day from the SNB CompanyWheelbarrow wheels нужны для работы
In the garden, near the house, always - in the vegetable garden.
What can we do without them? Things are standing up.
And there's a lot of them. Problems, worries.
The site needs to be addressed urgently already,
And choose a product, buy up quickly.
Nature is always beautiful in summer.
There's a pine tree growing under the fence, a swan tree.
Fluffy Thuja draws its tail
Far sky. But that's not what this is about.
Колеса для тачек уже получили. Поставили. Едут. И нет уж причины
Another hour on the couch.
You don't want to, but you have to get up faster.
As long as it's white day and everything can be seen perfectly,
Taking care of business would make sense.
The grass is like yeast after a rainstorm,
It's growing, crazy, even in the bushes.
And up to my waist. And so inconspicuous.
Five days and a huge one. Oh, this summer...
It's dry and hot and I don't care if it's water,
The rain is pouring down the page.
There are thunderstorms that break trees.
That's the kind of weather that happens in July.
But we can only hope for the best.
That's what you get in the end of the story.
And light thoughts are better than dark ones.
The sneaky stuff's not worth it, either.
And as long as this thread doesn't have to be,
Wheelbarrow wheels are a must buy.
Well, to conclude, a fiery hello
To all those who don't have these items.
And may everyone be happy, rich.
Always in bloom, like a garden in May.
And at the hour when the cats are scrambling in the shower,
Make yourself smile just a little bit.

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